1404 Progress and Challenges in Extreme Scale Computing and Data

  • Michael Heroux, Sandia National Laboratories
  • Serge Petiton, University of Lille
  • Kengo Nakajima, The University of Tokyo

Extreme scale computing efforts have resulted in numerous advances for multicore, manycore and accelerator based scalable systems. In addition, large-scale applications must increasingly deal with data management and analysis as a first-class concern. Therefore, new applications often have to manage distributed and parallel computing, and have to manage workflows of different tasks (computing, data analytics, machine learning, visualization,...). In this minisymposium we present some of the latest works in scalable algorithms, programming paradigms, and libraries for next generation computing platforms. Furthermore, we discuss efforts to better incorporate data science concerns as a principle component of our scientific workflows.

Kengo Nakajima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Michael Heroux (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
Serge Petiton (University of Lille, France)

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