1008 Terotechnology and related issues

  • Jacek Pietraszek, Cracow University Of Technology
  • Norbert Radek

Terotechnology is the common name of a set of activities focused on the broadly understood use of machines, in particular the technology of assembly, start-up, maintenance, replacement and disassembly of machines and plant equipment. Terotechnology is derived from the Greek root ""tero"", which means ""I care"", combined with the term ""technology"" to study the cost of an asset throughout its life cycle from acquisition to disposal.
Research in the field of terotechnology is therefore interdisciplinary and requires a specific approach that effectively connects scientists from various fields, mainly mechanics, machine construction and operation, thermodynamics, materials science, surface and coating technology, wear, but also production engineering and data management and analysis.
The mini symposium is also aimed at people who create predictive models related to the above issues and assess their uncertainty, in particular those who successfully combine theory with industrial practice.

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